Santa Lucija is officially part of the Local Council of Kercem but I noted it’s actually more than just an hamlet. It looks more a small country village on its own, with few houses around the church square.

I found Santa Lucija picturesque and peaceful. Definitely it’s worth a visit.

The Church dedicated to Santa Lucija (St. Lucy) dates back to 1575 as showed by the information board.


Info Church


For those interested, celebration of Eucharist, from March to October, is at 07:30 AM and 10:30 AM on Sunday and at 07:00 PM on weekdays.

The Church is opened daily from 06:00 PM onward except on Sunday when it’s opened from 06:30 AM to 11:30 AM.
A nice local house built with the typical globigerina (ġebla tal-franka) stones, probably caved from a surrounding quarry.

Local house Santa Lucija


Santa Lucija, rustic and peaceful with picturesque charm ultima modifica: 2016-05-04T06:48:51-02:00 da Paolo