Category: Qala

Sheeps on the road to Hondoq Bay

Sheep on the road to Hondoq Bay

I found just one car going down to Hondoq Bay today morning. Much more sheep! This is the wonderful Gozo! I love the quite winter months. There is also…

Dahlet Qorrot

Daħlet Qorrot (end of April) photo book

Daħlet Qorrot is a small bay found in the north of Gozo, between Qala and Nadur, not far from San Blas Bay. From the center of Nadur just…

Zeppi's Pub

Zeppi’s Pub, Qala main square

Zeppi’s Pub looks a nice place to spend a night with friends. I’m posting this photo to remind myself to go there one of these days 🙂 It’s…

Immaculate Conception Chapel

Holy Door at the Immaculate Conception Chapel

In 2015 Pope Francis announced an ‘Extraordinary Jubilee’. The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy is a Roman Catholic period of prayer held from the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (8.12….

Hondoq ir-Rummien

Ħondoq ir-Rummien turquoise waters

What a nice place is Ħondoq ir-Rummien. Look at the color of the sea. Intense turquoise. It’s easily accessible from Qala by car. Road is large and the tarmac…
