Daħlet Qorrot is a small bay found in the north of Gozo, between Qala and Nadur, not far from San Blas Bay.

From the center of Nadur just take Triq Daħlet Qorrot. It’s a good road, very easy trip even by large car.


Oil slick at Daħlet Qorrot? No! 🙂 Just algae, which is quite normal in winter and spring.



Storage facilities used by local fishermen

Storage facilities Dahlet Qorrot


Table for two? Table at Dahlet Qorrot


Lunar landscape with sea-view.

Lunar landscape


When you do not have lot of space, you have to use it well.Agriculture Daħlet Qorrot

Daħlet Qorrot (end of April) photo book ultima modifica: 2016-04-29T13:31:37-02:00 da Paolo