What a nice place is Ħondoq ir-Rummien.

Look at the color of the sea. Intense turquoise.

It’s easily accessible from Qala by car. Road is large and the tarmac is pretty new. In summer it’s a very popular swimming spot both among locals and tourists.

Here interesting information provided by Wikipedia.


Madonna tal-Blat ChapelRight on the cliff overlooking the small beach there is an old chapel entitled to ‘Madonna tal-Blat’ (Our Lady of the Rocks or Madonna of the Rocks).

From there you can enjoy a nice view of Comino Island and the Blue Lagoon





According to the infoinformation board board this chapel is also linked to St. Andrew, patron saint of the fishermen.

Ħondoq ir-Rummien turquoise waters ultima modifica: 2016-04-18T13:51:11-02:00 da Paolo