There is a statue of the Risen Christ in Gozo locally known as Tas-Salvatur.
It’s at the top of Tal-Merżuq Hill and it was always connected to popular religious myth and legend.
There is also a small valley, that has a particular name: Wied l-Infern. It’s located between Zebbug and Marsalforn.
In English would sound like “Hell Valley” or “Inferno Valley” with reference to Dante’s Divine Comedy.
I have been there and, to be fair, I could not find anything about devils or something like that 🙂
Anyway, from that place, I mean from The Hell, you can enjoy a distant view of the Risen Christ!
Tas-Salvatur seen from Wied l-Infern
ultima modifica: 2016-05-02T15:34:17-02:00
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